Friday, September 26, 2008

New Banner

Well, I have to toot my own horn here...Let me explain, It has been a while that I've been wanting to create my own banner and it all came together today -A special Thanks goes out to my Honey, who helped me with the final details...Thanx!-. And there you have it Ladies and Gents...My very own custom banner...Ooooh, this makes me SO HAPPY! I used an image of one of my recently created paper bears holding a candy corn, which is actually the title of a two page set that is currently listed on eBay. Any who...I likey my banner!

On the other hand, today was a good productive day. I am in the process of preparing my pictures to start listing this evening, however, some of you will get a "skneaky peeky" of my new items before they post on eBay. So, off I go to edit my pictures...Ciao Amigos!


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