Well, I've been busy and enjoying this amazing rush of creativity that has taken over me...this after some stressful times and a bad case of the "creativity block". Oh, it feels just SO GOOD to have my creative mojo back! I've been scrapping, making cards, designing new classes and writing all new ideas as the come.
Bueno, he estado disfrutando the una gran rafaga de creatividad, despues de pasar por un tiempo algo estresante y una mala dosis de "mente en blanco". Se siente TAN BIEN el tener de vuelta el toque creativo. He estado "scrapping", haciendo tarjetas, disenando clases nuevas y anotando ideas nuevas segun van llegando.
Every year around this time, I make calendars and this year I made them bigger...yep. They are 5x7 in size and have a magnetic back, so they can go on file cabinets, lockers or the fridge. These make such great gifts for family, friends, co-workers and anybody who's special to you and on your holiday list. As a matter of fact, I'm making one of these calendars for everyone on my holiday list! I'm currently taking CUSTOM ORDERS, I can make these in practically ANY THEME. I love how this one turned out...and look at those eyes...just adorable!
With Halloween just around the corner, I created a set of 12x12 pages (one shown above) and, believe me...this picture does it...
ABSOLUTELY NO JUSTICE...It's is SO colorful and glittery in person!
Then I just had to make some cards too...and I can't stop...but I have to...because I will be moving on to the next holiday...he,he.
The card shown above is one of my favorites...I will be posting more Halloween cards for another week and then I'll stop, this so I can move on to other cards that are waiting to be assembled.
Gotta run...be back with more...