Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy 2009!
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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Labels: 31st, ana buchanan, new year
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Movie Matinee
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Saturday, December 27, 2008
Labels: desperaux, family time, movie night
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Posted by
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Labels: christmas, family, handmade christmas decorations, trimming christmas tree
Friday, December 19, 2008
My first 12x12 page

Drum rolls Please...My very first 12x12 Scrapook page!
***Titled: "Tiny Tots" created in early 2003***
Remember how popular magentic photo albums used to be? I used to keep all kinds of magazine clippings, pictures and notes...then I was introduced to those huge black scrapbooks with a string on one side...that's where I started this hobby, from there I used notebooks to doodle and keep ephemera of places I wanted to remember, just taped and glued stuff right on the a diary with memorabilia. In the scrapbooking world 8.5 x 11 was the standard for a while until, somehow 12x12 became the new standard. So, after not "scrapping" for years, after I met my husband in 2003, I was re-introduced to scrabpooking in this new fun way...with pretty papers and stickers and other cool embellies...So, I gave it a try...and this was my first page.
Posted by
Friday, December 19, 2008
Labels: 12x12 layout, 12x12 page, beginner scrapbooker, childhood
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Mickey Tin
Posted by
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Labels: altered tin, bandage tin, mickey mouse
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
New Page: Kung Fu Panda

Posted by
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Labels: 8.5x11 page, kung fu panda, layout
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Christmas Parade
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Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Labels: christmas parade, family
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Shout out of the week...Me!
Well, this is one of the best ways to start your week...
Over at Art Freckles (super cool monthly scrapbooking kit company) One of my pages was chosen as the "shout out of the week" by one of their Design Team Members.
This page of my "Morning Beauty" received lots of views on the first day that was posted. Well, I am truly flattered...thank you girls!
Here is the original post from their forum and below is the original post of my page.
This is SOOOO cool! It made my day.
Hope you all have a wonderful day too.
Posted by
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Homemade Christmas Ornaments under $3.60
After a long absence...I'm back!
I've been very inspired for several days, just have not had the desire to be creative at all...and THAT feeling simply SUCKS!
A few days ago, while my little one and I were walking back home from the Post Office, I was reminded on how important little 'nothings' can be, how someone can make you feel special or how you can make someone feel special by doing one of these little 'nothings' -as I like to call them- and totally make your day or make you feel warm and fuzzy inside...
So, then I thought of the life of my busy Mom, who constantly traveled and worked ALL the time. However, she always made time for little 'nothings', and around the holidays we would make our own ornaments.
So, the other day while Ms.K and I were walking back home I spotted beautiful pine cones just laying there under several trees...I shared the idea with Ms.K and we, immediately went on the 'hunt' for the perfect pine cones, which would be decorated to become Christmas ornaments. She LOVED the idea. "...but,how are we going to make them into ornaments mommy?" she asked...and this very question made me feel thrilled that we had a little 'nothing' moment that brought joy and interest to my little angel.
After briefly explaining how we would make these ornaments, I knew that we had a special memory and perhaps a brand new tradition in the making...
If you are a crafter, you probably already own all the supplies needed for this project, if you don' are looking at fun project for under $3.60 and at least 30min to an hour full of fun. I used a glue gun to adhere the ribbon to the top of the pine cone, this is optional. If you do not own a glue gun you can find one at your local thrift store for a couple of bucks, or a new one for a few bucks. You can tie the ribbon or adhere it with the glue gun, either way works well.
We had lots of fun. Ms.K and I made 4 ornaments yesterday, but we have at least 12 more -which we'll make through out the next few days- She's is looking forward to teaching Daddy how to make these ornaments when he comes home from work tonight.
Here is the cost of supplies:
Glue $0.60
Glitter $1.50
Ribbon $0.99
Brush $0.50
Pine Cones $0.00
The smile of satisfaction of your little one, as she proudly holds her creation: Priceless!
*The spoons, paper and trays are things that we all have around the house and were not added to the cost. The trays could easily be replaced with paper plates. Whatever works for you.
Be Crafty!
Posted by
Friday, November 21, 2008
Labels: children's crafts, glitter ornaments, homemade ornaments, pine cone christmas ornaments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Just wanted to stop by and let you all know that I'm doing my best getting all my orders out. It's been a bit crazy again around here. My little one has a bad ear infection on both ears, my husband just got over a combination cold/food poisoning thing and I seem to be fighting some allergies. I had some mail dropped off at the beginning of the week and the rest will go out this Saturday.
Thanks for your understanding and support.
Posted by
Friday, November 07, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
New Friend Page
I made the title with the Cricut.
How sweet is that? Very sweet, I say!
I'll be back shortly with an update with pictures.
Hope everyone had a safe Halloween...But, why is the Halloween banner still up? Well, I celebrate "Dia de los Muertos" (Day of the Dead). So, it will be a day or so before I change it.
Have a Terrific Day!
Posted by
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
You are...How Old?

Oh, yeah! THAT would be me.
On a beautiful autumn morning, 35 years ago today,
I made my debut on planet earth,
(I love you Mom!)
I feel blessed, lucky and loved!
For this and so much more,
I'm thankful...everyday.
Thirty five is a very attractive age;
London society is full of women who have of their own free choice remained thirty-five for years.
Posted by
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Latest Pages

If you'd like to see the rest of my pages go here.
Posted by
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Friday 10.10.08 Sneaky Peaky
Howdy! Here's the first sneaky peaky of the weekend... What is it? It is something you can give as a gift to a friend, co-worker, family member or my a teacher.
If you'd like to see more of it go hereI have a few more in the works and will list them this weekend. Also, I'll be posting some of my latest pages to my gallery, if you'd like to take a look go here. Hope you all have a wonderful time. I'm babysitting Mr.Colton (5 years old). So, I'd better go...Kelly and Colton together are...trouble.
Posted by
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I'm still here...I'm working on the last custom order for this week. One is going out of town and the other is for a local shop.
On the other hand I'm feeling a little under the weather, so I'll take a day or so to get over this.
Other than that, all is well. I have pictures from this weekend that I'd like to share. My husband 's 40th and some other random shots from around the house and new creations.
Now, I gotta run...
Posted by
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Custom Order * Scottie Christmas*
Here they are once again, Lady Nora & Sir Angus...this time all decked up to wish all of their furry friends a Merry Christmas.
This card front will go on heavy white cardstock, the patterned paper is accented with glitter as well as the poinsettias, the title is hand-stamped matted and mounted on foam for dimension (not shown), the mini ornament has both of their names. The Christmas theme is carried on the inside as well as on the outside with the matching envelope. I'm pleased with the results, they look adorable!
Posted by
Monday, October 06, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
National Cardmaking Day!
Happy Cardmaking Day Everyone!
These past few days, I've been quite busy working on Custom Orders and today, I celebrate this special day in the best way that it could be celebrated...Making Cards! Yeepeee!
Here is a picture of my little Princess Scrapbooking in our studio while Mommy works on cards. She scrapbooks in 6x6 format, later I'll share some of her layouts here and in the gallery. She is very talented!
Posted by
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My Studio
And here you have it. This is my new studio at our new place. It is my little piece of heaven. I love working and creating from cards to my own scrapbooking pages. It is twice the size of what I had before and it keeps growing.... Everyday I'm thankful for this room, because not only am I able to create pages for my scrapbooks -Which will one day be passed to my daughter and her children- but I am able to work from home, be here for my family and contribute to it from the sales of my paper piecings.
So, it is only fair to thank my family and my wonderful retuning and new clients for all of your support in making Ana's Handmade Cards possible. THANK YOU!
Posted by
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sunday...Sneaky Peeky

Well, there will be two more of these listed later today as well as a few more magnetic calendars. I am SO very pleased with how they turned out!
Last night we went to the Fair and my hubby fell as he was getting off of one of the rides, we are praying that his back and elbows will be OK. I'll keep you posted.
On the other hand, I have a few custom orders that I'm trying to get in the mail a.s.a.p So, there will not be any eBay posts on Monday. I will be working late tonight and tomorrow all day. Thank you to my customers who've asked for custom work...YOU'RE THE BEST!
Posted by
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Friday... Sneaky Peeky
This is my second year creating these little calendars. They make great gifts for family, friends, co-workers and teachers. I created quite a few and there are no duplicates, this adds an extra touch of uniqueness to them. I do however, have certain amount of calendars saved for custom work. So, if have a special request...just let me know....Custom Orders Welcome.
And about my auctions, I do most of my listings after my daughter goes to bed, and when I come to stopping point with the laundry or dishes -or whatever else might be going on-, I escape to my studio -my kingdom, my paradise- to start my listings, SO...sometimes I run behind...My goal is 10pm EST. Let's see how things go this coming week.
Buenas Noches
Posted by
Friday, September 26, 2008
New Banner
Well, I have to toot my own horn here...Let me explain, It has been a while that I've been wanting to create my own banner and it all came together today -A special Thanks goes out to my Honey, who helped me with the final details...Thanx!-. And there you have it Ladies and Gents...My very own custom banner...Ooooh, this makes me SO HAPPY! I used an image of one of my recently created paper bears holding a candy corn, which is actually the title of a two page set that is currently listed on eBay. Any who...I likey my banner!
On the other hand, today was a good productive day. I am in the process of preparing my pictures to start listing this evening, however, some of you will get a "skneaky peeky" of my new items before they post on eBay. So, off I go to edit my pictures...Ciao Amigos!
Posted by
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Lady Nora & Sir Angus Custom Order
Dear Patricia, here they are...Lady Nora Kate and Sir Angus James...ready to wish their friends a Happy Halloween. It was quite an experience to design these Scotties from "scrach", sketching the image and then making it into these adorable paper piecings -which, I feel turned out pretty cute.- Everything you see on the card front is not "attached", so all pieces can be moved around, if you'd like -I'm always open to suggestions. The spider is made out of foam and was accented with glitter, the bat was also accented with glitter but it's cut out of textured cardstock. The green patterned paper is also glittered and is from K&Company , the small greeting is mounted on foam for dimension and it's matted. The inside of the card will have a matted area for your message and will carry the theme inside as well as on the envelope. The card will be mounted onto heavy white cardstock and therefore, will have a narrow white border all around that will be inked in black to give it a distressed look.
Have a fantabulous Tuesday.-Ana
Posted by
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
New Watermark Test
Also, testing a new watermark action that my Dear Honey shared with me today.
Posted by
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Halloween Creations & 2009 Calendars
With Halloween just around the corner, I created a set of 12x12 pages (one shown above) and, believe me...this picture does it...
ABSOLUTELY NO JUSTICE...It's is SO colorful and glittery in person!
Then I just had to make some cards too...and I can't stop...but I have to...because I will be moving on to the next holiday...he,he.
The card shown above is one of my favorites...I will be posting more Halloween cards for another week and then I'll stop, this so I can move on to other cards that are waiting to be assembled.
Gotta back with more...
Posted by
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Nielsons
On this day, I learned about the story of this beautiful family, who's lives will never be the same...
(Text from the Nie Recovery site)
I'm not here to judge anyone or to ask any questions...simply to ask for your prayers. Add the Nies and their children to your prayers...Thank You.
Posted by
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Back in the groove...

I will post here my latest creations, So stay tunned.
Yes, Ms. K is officially a student, and nothing makes me happier than knowing that she LOVES going to school! Keep up the good work Ms.K ... We love you!
Posted by
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Kelly Video
Posted by
Monday, July 07, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
End of Spring Sale
This is just a short little post to let you know that I am having an "End of Spring Sale" over at my eBay store ( Everything listed in the store is 15% off from June 1st to June 15th at midnight. Items listed in Auction format do not qualify for this sale, however, starting bids are low, so take a peek and you might find something just for you.
Hope everyone had a fantastic Monday...I sure did! So, now go an enjoy the rest of the week. Blessings.
Ana Banana.
Posted by
Monday, June 02, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Today I said good-bye to my shoulder-length bob...and traded it for a chin-length-angled-bob, which turned out fantastic!!! And why am I SO excited about this haircut? Well, simply because it's just what I wanted. When I moved from Texas to North Carolina, not only did I leave behind some family and friends but also my amazingly-talented hairstylist Olga, who was the creator of my trademark super short-spiky-pixie hairstyle.
Once, in North Carolina it became evident after a couple of not-so-great-haircuts that my super short-spiky-pixie hair was going to be hard to keep. "The Bob" had been one of my favorite hairstyles in the past and so, I decided to go for that look.
Well, "The Bob" got too long, it was still cute but it needed some pizazz and to be out of my face! The next step was to find the right person for the job. I followed my intuition to this place we've driven by before. I knew that I'd found the right place when I watched 2 ladies get the perfect short and long Pixie! ...The rest is history...
OK, almost history...I have to mention that the satisfaction of finding a hairstylist that shared my vision and who was willing to go that extra mile to make sure that I was totally and completely satisfied with my new hairstyle was just...priceless. In a time where Customer Service seems to be taking a back seat... I was impressed by the courtesy, interest and service of my new found Salon. Thank You Cara!
Thank You Honey!
Ana Banana
Posted by
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Hello Everyone,
I know that I have once again been abscent here at blogger and my eBay store. There has been a family matter that needed my full attention and still does. However, I am making a great effort to get back in to "creative mode" and allow my creative juices to flow again. With that said, you will find new creations listed in my store in the next day or so.
Also, I will be listing a large amount of new and gently used rubber stamps. Moving is the main reason that these cherished stamps have to find a new home. I really don't have much space for them and the extra money will most definitely be put to good use.
As always, a special thanks goes out to my special clients that have sent words of encouragement and good wishes. I Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
"All we'll ever have is NOW"
Make the best of it!
Posted by
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Oh it's Monday!
Hope you all had a wonderful Easter. We had a nice time at Grandma's house. MissK and Grandma painted eggs on Saturday. I've been spending sometime at my LSS, setting up the new merchandise and preparing for some new classes.
I'd like to write and create more, but it is hard to do so when times are rough...My heart aches.
Posted by
Monday, March 24, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Button Night
Posted by
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Here's the Spot
Well, as promised...Here's a picture of my new spot. This place is packed with all kinds of arts and crafts. It's located downtown and it has pretty high traffic, which is very good. Last spring/summer we had a booth at another location but that particular one I shared with my husband and father-in-law...this time it'll be just ME! I'm very, very excited about it. Mmmmm...about those shelves...I'll be changing those as well as the green fabric, however, they'll do for now. I'd to move 'pronto' because there was somebody else wanting that spot. Soon, I'll post new pictures once they shelves are nice and stocked.
I'm keeping my posts short and sweet, because my 'To Do' list is usually about a mile long!
Have fun enjoy today and scrap-happy when you can!
Posted by
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St.Patrick's Day
Posted by
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Rainy, Rainy Day!
Oh, the rain! Yes, it rained all day yesterday. Actually, it's been raining on an off for the past week. Well,yesterday Roo and I decided to go shopping despite the heavy rain... it was LOTS OF FUN! Kelly got to use her ladybug umbrella that Papa got her a couple of years ago and she simply loved it!
I did make it to check out the booth where I will be selling some of my handmade items. It needs some work and some small fixtures to display the smaller items. However, I have some some ideas for the display and the theme. This is a very exciting project for me, specially since I waited over a year for a space to come available at this place...Wish me Luck!
For my ebay customers, I'd like you to know that I will be listing to the store first and might run a few auctions later in the week -Tags,Mother's Day & Everyday Cards-. I'm currently working on the custom tags that sold over the weekend...THANK YOU to all who purchased bunny tags! I should have them all in the mail tomorrow.
Until Next Time!
Bhappysmilingnscrapping! Ana
Posted by
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Busy Busy
Well, it's been busy, busy for me. Lots of things going on everywhere...My personal life, ebay, etsy, online gallery, new website and today I'll be checking out my new spot in a local artsy store. I'm very excited about all this. However, because I'm not efficient at multi-tasking some things just get put on the back burner... I try to avoid being chased by "the ball" and sometimes I just get ran over! It's all good, a know that a lot of good things are taking place and I'll be standing on my feet again soon.
Until next time!
Smile and be blessed!
Posted by
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Back in the Groove!
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Thursday, January 17, 2008