Thursday, July 26, 2007

New Blog

I'm very excited to be starting this new blog. Here you will find my latest scrapping happenings and about me and what is to have the scrapping bug!

Yesterday I received a call from my very best friend Patty Cakes! Girl you made my day...Thanks a bunch!

If I could, I would turn everyone that I know in to a scapbooker...why? Well, simply because is a meaninful way of sharing yourself with your loved ones and all future generations in your family. Scrapbooking combines my love for photography and office/school supplies...not to mention ribbon, buttons, writing, patterned paper, rubber stamps... Well you get the point.

Ok this is for you Paty... This is a sample of a small 6x6 layout. Great little way of getting your feet wet in scrapbooking. The format is small and places complete focus on the picture. The picture in this layout is 3x4, which is a fantastic size to use in smaller pages. Also, because you can go to any printing station/kiosk and print 2 pictues in a 4x6 sheet for about $28 cents.
Hey, scrapbooking is not cheap, so I'll strech my dollar as much as I can. Anyway, back to the the 6x6 page... These small pages go in a their tiny scrapbook (many come with 10 sheet protectors in which you can hold 20 little layouts), they are usually used as a theme album: baby, birthday, vacation etc.
Do not be fooled by the small size and think " can't have too many pictures on that thing!" You can also print your pictures in wallet size or smaller and give this small album the feel of the gigantic 12x12 format.
Currently, I'm scrapping Kelly's book in 8x8, last year's album in 8.5x11, her birthday album in 8x8 and the list goes on. With all that going on, I started one for me in 6x6 (my life before...), and chose this size not only because I only have a few pictures but because it is fast to complete.
Later this evening I will post some samples and then continue to talk about another size. Hopefully it give you and all who read this a better understanding or to help you choose a size to scrap.
