Wednesday, November 21, 2007
New Record & Custom Made Scrapbook Pages
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
New Listings
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Monday, November 19, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Just take a look at this super cute RAK Card that I received the other day! Isn't it just adorable? As some of you know I love getting mail... So, I'm going thru the mail and I see this very thick envelope and what I found inside truly made me smile. It was this very cute card. Geri is a valued customer at Ana's Handmade Cards. We exchanged some emails and in one of them she shared how she was inspired by one of my tear dogs and created this adorable card. Thank You Geri for this RAK (random act of kindness) Card. I think you have a truly unique idea. My little Kelly loved it...She actually screamed when I first showed it to her. We've place the card on a shelf where we can admire it everyday. Oreo (Our Cat) keeps staring at it...perhaps he's amazed that it has not barked at!
Hope you are all having a great Sunday!
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Saturday, November 17, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Free Shipping Special
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
What's New?
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Fall Walk
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Little Princess
Hi! What a fun day we had yesterday, It turned out to be Kelly's first Trick-or-Treating and she loved it!
Kelly decided to be a Princess and in this picture she was saying "Happy Halloween" and showing off some of her Princess accessories.
Our first stop was the Festival held by the church. It had games and prizes for all the children. Kelly tried most of them, the ball throwing one was one of her favorite. She spent a lot of time on the slide and swing. The ball throwing game was being hosted by Sarah (girl in pink), who also dances at Dance Connection where Kelly takes lessons and many times participates in her class. This picture shows Ms.Kelly's victory cute!
The Victory Dance
Our second stop was to go Trick or Treating on our block. Some of our neighbors were handing out candy...Mr.Muel went all out and in his decorations; flashing lights, smoke, his costume and lots of candy! He built up the moment as the trick or treaters would get closer, the more smoke that would come out thru the door and then...ahhhh! It was Jason!!!! Daddy walk Kelly up to she sidewalk and from there I took her hand and walked with her up to the door to get our candy. Later, we even got candy from a fireman who went by on his Fire Rescue truck...Kelly really liked that! After, stopping at Mr.Muel's Kelly wanted to keep going. We stopped at 4 places after that then we called a night.
So we went home to take a look and eat some of the candy...I'm glad Kelly shared...yum!
So this was our day...a fun day to dess up and get some candy!
Thanks for stopping by!
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween 2007!
Good Day!
A brief stop to wish you all a Happy Halloween! Today will be a fun dress up day for us. Kelly has had lots of fun dressing up since she woke up this morning. She's pretended to be a Bird and now we found all the accessories for her to be ... a Princess!
Hope you all have a safe Halloween. I will post pictures of this fun day tomorrow.
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Think Pink
Thank You and Many Blessings!
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Sunday, October 07, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
New Holiday Cards
Good Day Everyone!
I'm back this week with a small collection of Holiday Cards featuring Tear Dog... Tear a Bear...
Tear art Moose!
So cute! You've just got to see him and the other characters fot this week.
I had been working on these cards last week, but had to stop to take care of a family matter. For those who do not receive my newsletter, I have listed Christmas cards and will be adding Fall & Everyday shortly.
Oh, I had a wonderful time creating these for you, and because last year I was a bit late on sending out my own cards, I decided to start creating them early this year. Because it is important to me to send unique cards, not two are alike. So, everyone on my list receives a different card. It is a lot of work, but I love bringing a smile to my recipients!
I have not forgotten about Fall Cards, they are sitting on my desk waiting to have their picture taken...So, expect them soon.
Until later...THANK YOU & BLESSINGS!
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Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Introducing "Cardstock Paper Bear"
Hey, TGIF!
Yes, another week gone by and Fall is here! Now, I love Fall! Why? Because I was born in the Fall and it makes me so very happy, to watch the leaves change and the weather cool down from the hot summer days.
To celebrate the beginning of the this fabulous season, I created some Fall cards that feature a paper piecing of an adorable little Bear.
Do you recognize him? Yes, its my Tear Art Bear made out of cardstock! Isn't him just adorable? Yep, Kelly thinks he's cute.
The second card was made with my other bear who has more of a round head. I love how this card turned out. It was fun making the stamped titles. Kelly and I stamped for a couple of hours and made a few of these titles. Not all were for the fall, you'll get to see them in the next few weeks as I used them on cards and pages. Kelly had fun spelling her name with the stamps. The head of the bear is mounted on foam for dimention and all the leaves are tiny little punches. My thumb still hurst from trying to puch them out of that thick cardstock, I thought they were gong to break...luckly they didn't. Let, say that I know which die is on my must buy list.
The last is my favorite of the 4 cards that were made last night. I really like the patterned paper. It funky and so mod! I'm a mod kind of girl. I have lots of beautiful fall paper and will be making more cards featuring "CardstockBear" Kelly calls him "PaperBear"...I like that too.
As I mentioned, I will be making more cards featuring "Cardstock Bear", however, that will be after my last Halloween projects are completed and Christmas cards are listed. So, if you still need some Spooky cards stop by AHMC Ebay store or check my auctions this weekend for the last of my Halloween Cards. You will also find, Christmas Cards and other projects...Oh, and my brand new Christmas Template, fantabulously cute!
Visit my Ebay store to viwe all the new 4 Fall CardsStay Tunned...Scrap Happy and Often! Blessings & Thank You!
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Friday, September 28, 2007
Our Kelly Dancer
Here she little girl...The Dancer! September marks the start of Kelly's dance experience. She just loves to dance. From the time she was just learning to sit up, Kelly loved music and dancing. I knew that as a mom, my wish would be for her to experience dance and what it teaches a young little lady. However, it would be encouraged but not forced.
The idea of dance started with "play pretend time", our "make up silly dances" and later with a birthday gift from grandma "Dancerella". I could see the excitement and she started saying..."Watch me, I'm a ballerina"
Her first day was overwhelming, she was in a class with older girls (hyper girls) and some that were not too happy to be there. Kelly kept running back to me for comfort and was not too sure on how to be around these girls that kept running away from the teacher and out the studio. I stayed in the classroom for most of class. The teacher was able to keep the attention of the other girls, long enough to have the girls connect and perform a series of exercises. Kelly did great, followed instructions to a T and connected with Nichole (the instructor).The new class in which Kelly is now part of, is composed by only a few students, the instructor's little girl Diane and Sarah who is a sweet 10 year old, star dancer assistant. Oh, and did I mentioned that Ms.Kelly had a audience? Yep, Daddy was there taking pictures, Grandma was there (this class is her gift to KB) and of course, I was there taking pictures with my camera.
I love to see our little Ms.Kelly smile and be happy, she's having a wonderful time and practices in the living room. Where will this take her? I don't know, however, it is what is doing for her and her character right now that I'm thankful for!
Many Blessings to You!
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Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
New Look at Ana's Handmade Cards
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
More Doggie Dogs
Well, it is more doggie dogs for me this week. In various colors and a couple of special projects that will be listed in 3 day format in the next week.
I love dogs. My very first best friend was my dog Yesi and I've been missing her for 15 years. She was a gift for my 10th bithday. We were inseparable, my playmate and loyal friend 8 years. She was a mix between Maltese/Pekineese, a real trip and fun personality. She will forever live in a special place in my heart.
Later, as an adult I told my little brother that we would get him a dog. And we did...a Chihuahua Dog that we named "CHIKIS" and let me tell you, she is one crazy cookie. She loves to chase after the big dogs. She is fearless and has a diva attitude. Chikis has been part of our family for over 4 years and although I don't get to see her since we moved to another state. I miss her a lot.
There you have the reason behind "Doggie Week" at Ana's Handmade Cards. There are at least 4 different styles of dogs that will be listed. Be ready, doggie week has just began.
A million thanks go out to you for taking the time to read my blog... THANK YOU X 1000!
Blessings & Smiles
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Monkey Tear Art

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Saturday, September 08, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
New Tear Art
Christmas is not really around the corner, but it is never too early to start planning the page or pages that will hold spceial memories. With that in mind, I created another 12x12 page featuring these adorable Reindeers. The pattern is not my original creation, however I made some adjustments and came up with my own version of a Reindeer. The page can hold several pictures and has room for hidden journaling.
This weekend I will be working on some more cards and premade paper piecings for scrapbooks. Also, I will be posting a tutorial on how to select pattern paper so stay tunned.
Blessings and Smiles to all!
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Friday, September 07, 2007
Fantastic Week!
This week Kelly started Preschool at home. She loved her first day with the traditional first day Picture and other activities. This is a picture of her foam stamping, which she totally loves...I wonder why? She has done great of her first week of Homeschool. During our class time she calls me "Teacher Mommy" sweet is that?
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Friday, September 07, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
New Ebay Seller ID
Good Day Everybody!
Today is a brand new day and with that and after sometime of thinking it...I changed my Ebay id. The Ebay id name that I have used from day one has been LADYANALADYBUG, this was a name that was assigned to me by Ebay since, I could not think of one myself. After, a couple of selling my handmade cards and other paper piecings, it was time to better represent what it that I do on Ebay and for that my new Id is : ANASCARDS
Simple and straight to the point. For the next 30 days, I will continue to use LADYANALADYBUG as part of the title in my listings and inform all my clients of the change.
And, although I am also selling other paper pieced items and pre-made scrapbook pages, and love Ladybugs... HANDMADE CARDS will always be my specialty.
On the other hand, I do own and will be developing a website in the future. For those new to Ebay, when you are on Ebay's homepage, you may type in your search box ANASCARDS or Ana's Handmade Cards and you will find my listings.
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Oreo the Cat!
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Today's Layout Halloween 8x8
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Monday, August 27, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Halloween 6x6 Layout
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
A Monkey's Born!
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Still Here!
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Rubber Stamping...Again!
Well, after taking a short break from stamping I decided to get back in it by creating a little Christmas Card with House Mouse Stamps. Oh, and you should see what I have in the works. My new collection of Handstamped Christmas Cards is almost ready, it took me a bit to get inspired but I missed stamping and once I started it was hard to stop.
I'll post the details of this card later. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Blessings!
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Sunday, August 12, 2007
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
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Wednesday, August 08, 2007
On my Desk Today
The picture to the left of the screen shows what is on my desk today. Another Halloween Card, just waiting to be assembled. On this particular one, I did some hand-stitching all around the greeting. Looove it! There are other bear cards and a few other cards with handstamped images just waiting, actually, calling my name...Aaannnaaa! Last week, I had the chance to stamp several images and now all there is to do, is to color them.But, all that is on hold for a couple of days until I finish with the current custom order.
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Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Tag You're It!
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Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
6x6 Layouts

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Thursday, August 02, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
New Blog
I'm very excited to be starting this new blog. Here you will find my latest scrapping happenings and about me and what is to have the scrapping bug!
Yesterday I received a call from my very best friend Patty Cakes! Girl you made my day...Thanks a bunch!
If I could, I would turn everyone that I know in to a scapbooker...why? Well, simply because is a meaninful way of sharing yourself with your loved ones and all future generations in your family. Scrapbooking combines my love for photography and office/school supplies...not to mention ribbon, buttons, writing, patterned paper, rubber stamps... Well you get the point.
Ok this is for you Paty... This is a sample of a small 6x6 layout. Great little way of getting your feet wet in scrapbooking. The format is small and places complete focus on the picture. The picture in this layout is 3x4, which is a fantastic size to use in smaller pages. Also, because you can go to any printing station/kiosk and print 2 pictues in a 4x6 sheet for about $28 cents.
Hey, scrapbooking is not cheap, so I'll strech my dollar as much as I can. Anyway, back to the the 6x6 page... These small pages go in a their tiny scrapbook (many come with 10 sheet protectors in which you can hold 20 little layouts), they are usually used as a theme album: baby, birthday, vacation etc.
Do not be fooled by the small size and think " can't have too many pictures on that thing!" You can also print your pictures in wallet size or smaller and give this small album the feel of the gigantic 12x12 format.
Currently, I'm scrapping Kelly's book in 8x8, last year's album in 8.5x11, her birthday album in 8x8 and the list goes on. With all that going on, I started one for me in 6x6 (my life before...), and chose this size not only because I only have a few pictures but because it is fast to complete.
Later this evening I will post some samples and then continue to talk about another size. Hopefully it give you and all who read this a better understanding or to help you choose a size to scrap.
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Thursday, July 26, 2007